User:Pbsouthwood/Books/Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay - Part 4

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Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay
Volume 4: Offshore dive sites of False Bay, Dive sites of the East side of False Bay and Inland dive sites of Cape Town
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Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay - Part 4


Volume 4: Offshore dive sites of False Bay, Dive sites of the East side of False Bay and Inland dive sites of Cape Town

False Bay offshore
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Steenbras Deep
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Seal Island
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Whittle Rock
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/York Shoal
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Rocky Bank
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/East Shoal
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/SATS General Botha
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/SAS Bloemfontein
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/SAS Fleur
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/SS Lusitania
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Muizenberg Trawlers
Gordon's Bay
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Bikini Beach
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Ledges
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Vogelsteen
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Cow and Calf
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Pinnacle
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Tony’s Reef
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Troglodyte’s Cove
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Lorry Bay
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Phil’s Bay
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Rocky Bay
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Blouklip
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Blousteen Ridge
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Whirlpool cove
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Percy's Hole
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Kruis
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Rooi-els Point
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Coral Gardens (Rooi-els)
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Andre se Gat
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Balcony
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Ankers
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Mike’s Point
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Container Bay
Fresh water sites
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Blue Rock Quarry