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Vallant is in West Echokosia.



Get in

Map of UsableTest

There is a train station in Vallant, and the closest airport is the Conor D'Elomos Airport in Komodona beside.

Get around



  • Vallant clock tower (Exit out Lakeorb Rd from Highway A77). The tallest building in Vallant, this place is filled with gardens and there's a great sightseeing spot on the top.


  • Mountains Zipline (The Vallant end is located on the Zipline Tower beside the clock tower). A touristy attraction which allows you to go from Vallant to Komodona and see the views of the mountains beside.








  • Hotel Anodor, +58 1497-6308, . On the second-to-top floor of the Clock Tower, this small yet comfortable hotel have a nice view of Vallant city.



Go next


Ok, does this looks like a usable article? Well, it satisfies all the conditions. There is a Get In section and 1 sleep and eat listing each with contact information. The most prominent attraction is identified with directions. But usable articles, hence its name, should be at least useful to travelers, and the template states it can be used by an adventurous traveler to survive. Is this useful to the traveler? Can this be used to at least survive?